
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Things We Said Today #390 – Reconsidering the “Red” and “Blue” Albums
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
In episode 390 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo revisit “The Beatles 1962-1966” (the “Red” Album) and “1967-1970” (the “Blue” Album) on their 50th anniversary, each adding (and in some cases deleting) tracks to make updated 2023 versions.
As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page. Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-zgHaPfL6BGmOX5NoyFE-A. The audio version can be found at Podbean: https://beatlesexaminer.podbean.com/ as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
Our email address: thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com
Twitter @thingswesaidfab
Facebook: Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
The McCartney Legacy’s website: https://www.mccartneylegacy.com/
The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8zaPoY45IxDZKRMf2Z6VyA
KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq_Dkp6fkIsYwGq_vCwltyg
Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: https://www.kenmichaelsradio.com/beatles-trivia--games.html
Ken’s other podcast, Talk More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@talkmoretalksolobeatles
Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand: http://wfdu.fm/Listen/hd1%20recent%20archives/
Ken's e-mail: everylittlething@att.net
Ken's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ken.michaels.31/
DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at wfuv.org, or on the WFUV app.
Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
Darren’s email: darrendevivo@wfmu.org

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Things We Said Today #306 – The Meeting Tape & The End of the Beatles
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the September 1969 meeting at which the Beatles planned a possible future – and at how and why everything unraveled less than two weeks later.
As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page. Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Things We Said Today #304 – Reviewing the Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Edition
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer their impressions of the Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition, which is out on Sept. 27.
As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page. Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!

Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
This week, Steve, Allan and Ken review the recent "Sgt. Pepper's Musical Revolution" TV special that aired on PBS in the U.S. and the BBC in the UK. Allan also talks about his recent appearance as part of the "All You Need Is The Summer of Love" panel discussion at the Paley Center with Graham Nash, Michelle Phillips, Kenny Loggins and A.J. Pennebacker, while Ken talks about his appearance at the Fab 4 Music Festival in Connecticut put on by Charles Rosenay. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. (Photo courtesy of Apple Corps Ltd.)

Thursday May 25, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
In the first of two shows on the new Beatles' 2017 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" remix, Steve, Ken and Allan open up the Super Deluxe Edition and discuss what music you'll be hearing. (The next show will discuss the DVDs/Blu-rays and the rest of the set and the packaging.) Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. And be sure to subscribe to our providers to get first word on when a new show is available.

Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
On the day the new "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 50th anniversary sets were announced, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al got together and discussed their reactions to the big news. Did the Beatles did get it right this time? Listen and find out our thoughts. And we want to hear your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
Things We Said Today #198, Press To Play, Beatles Candlestick anniversary, more
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
This week, the four TWST co-hosts go deep on a discussion of Paul McCartney's "Press to Play" with Dr. Kit O'Toole, author of the "Deep Beatles" column and the book "Songs We Were Singing." Also on the docket this week: the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' last concert at Candlestick Park in San Francisco and a review of a live performance of the Claypool-Lennon Delirium by Ken Michaels. You can write to us at thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.)

Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Things We Said Today #173 - Fantasy Show -- Who the Beatles should work with, part 1
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
In the first of two shows, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve give their ideas on who they would like to see the Beatles work with. In this show, we discuss our choices for John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. Got an idea of your own or a comment on our show? Send it to thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com. And you can always find this show on iTunes and YouTube. (On YouTube, search "Things We Said Today Beatles Radio")

Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
Things We Said Today #152 - Chuck Gunderson, author of "Some Fun Tonight!"
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015

Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Steve, Ken, Allan and Al discuss the Shea Stadium anniversary and the stereo tracks that just surfaced, the lack of a 50th anniversary release, plus summaries of The Fest For Beatles Fans and Danbury Fields Forever. To send a comment, write thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com or tweet @thingswesaidfab.

Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Things We Said Today #143 - Mark Lapidos
Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Steve, Ken, Al and Allan talk with Mark Lapidos, founder of the Fest for Beatles Fans about the upcoming Chicago Fest and highlights of past fests, including a few stories you may not be aware of. Send your comments to thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com.

Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss Ringo's recent 75th birthday event and Paul McCartney's cover interview in Esquire where he talked about several topics, including how people have looked at John Lennon since his death.

Saturday May 09, 2015
Things We Said Today #132 - The Beatles' Capitol Albums
Saturday May 09, 2015
Saturday May 09, 2015
Do the U.S. Capitol Beatles albums make any sense at all after all these years? Ken, Steve, Allan and Al give their opinions in this week's show.

Saturday Jan 03, 2015
Saturday Jan 03, 2015
Steve, Al, Ken and Allan along with special guest Tom Frangione review the events of 2014 in the careers of the solo Beatles.

Saturday Aug 30, 2014
Saturday Aug 30, 2014
Ken and Steve review Paul McCartney's Candlestick Park show, which they both attended. (It was the first time we met in person!)

Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Things We Said Today #97 - Mark Lapidos on the Chicago Fest for Beatles Fans
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Steve and Ken talk to Mark Lapidos about the upcoming Chicago Fest for Beatles Fans.

Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Steve Marinucci questions Ken Michaels for his opinions about the first U.S. concert on the Paul McCartney Out There! tour in Albany, N.Y., July 5 that Ken attended.

Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Things We Said Today #92 - "A Hard Day's Night" DVD/more on "Train Music"
Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Steve and Ken evaulate the new "A Hard Day's Night" DVD and Blu-ray and also update news on the "Train Music" controversy.

Saturday Jun 28, 2014
Saturday Jun 28, 2014
Steve and Ken welcome very special guest Chris Carter, hosted of KLOS-FM's "Breakfast With the Beatles" and Sirius/XM's "British Invasion" to discuss the discovery of the full tape of "Train Music," the song Ringo plays on his transister in "A Hard Day's Night" and the possibility that it's indeed the Beatles.

Saturday Jun 21, 2014
Things We Said Today #90 - Beatles mono vinyl box news and a McCartney birthday list
Saturday Jun 21, 2014
Saturday Jun 21, 2014
Steve and Ken talk about the announcement of the Beatles mono vinyl box set and what it all means, plus a song list tribute for Paul McCartney's 72nd birthday.