
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Things We Said Today #359 – Misconceptions
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
In Episode 359 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look back at a few enduring misconceptions about the Beatles and their history.
NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page. Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!

Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Thursday Apr 13, 2017
The TWST gang Ken, Al, Allan and Steve dig open the new Paul McCartney "Flowers in the Dirt" deluxe reissue that was recently released and we discuss what listeners can expect. And there's so much to cover that it took us two shows to cover it all and this is only the first one! As always, we want to hear from you on what you think about the new set and the show. You can send them to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.

Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
On the day the new "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 50th anniversary sets were announced, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al got together and discussed their reactions to the big news. Did the Beatles did get it right this time? Listen and find out our thoughts. And we want to hear your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.

Saturday Dec 12, 2015
Saturday Dec 12, 2015
Allan, Al and Steve (Ken absent) talk about the 50th anniversary of "Rubber Soul" with our very special guest author Candy Leonard ("Beatleness"). Send your thoughts and comments to thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com.