
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Our discussion of the Beatles in stereo vs. mono comes to an end with this third show, which is mainly about the differences on the White Album. (You can hear the previous shows in this series as #257 and #260.) As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address thingswesaidtodayradioshow@gmail.com, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page. Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)